Sabtu, 21 April 2012


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

  Aaaarrgghh... sesak nafas, serabut otak nih... kenape jadi macam ni macam tu kat aku... selepas satu, satu... satu. Tiga dah far as I can remember la... Ko  tanye aku kan nape aku jadi laen skrg, rasenye kini aku dah dapat jawapan..kot... semua nya bermula pada hari tersebut ea? or before tu dah mula dah..? Keeserabutan n kesesakan wire2 dalam otak ni telah menyebabkan aku bernafas laju dan macam tak tentu hala, senang cerita tak dapat nak pk the main point payah...berpusing2 kat entah kat mane.

         sementara aku boleh pakse ingat.... ade bebrape causes la tapi kalau boleh tak nak ia menjadi penyebab or lebih senang kerana ia  aku terpaksa melepaskan... Masalah study n kerja... aku mmg tgh btul2 buntu abes nak buat ape.. nak dua2 xley so selepas berhempas pulas otak aku debate dengan hati, jalan yang di ambil... PJJ. Fuhh lega...TAPI... bermulanya satu episod baru... mcm mane nak mula, dimane, apedia, dan... yang sangkut pautnya. Aku letak tepi dulu slagi boleh...namun aku sedar ia mencuri perhatian...


 tadi gi PROTON EDAR JALAN AMPANG, tgk launching pastu makan2... dalam upacara pemberian kereta kpd pemilik awal... pembeli2 pertama... ade sorang pembeli perempuan, baya2 aku kot. terlintas.. mak aih mampu tu, aku ni bile la.. blom pk yg depan2 lagi.. kalau tu jadi bini.. mau tak mau hantaran tinggi n u need to be lebih than dia at the launching ceremonies

         ttg kerja... dimane asyik xsident je... ape citer nih.. aku paham bila cerita kat ko atau ko terdengar je mesti perkara pertama: ni yang malas dengar nih...lagi2 xsiden, tak xsiden almost la... Reasons xpayah citer r..ko tak nak dengar n kalau boleh mmg xpayah kan...toksah sorok r.. Aku dah boleh accept yg THE TRUTH IS PAIN... gelak2 its ok walau bergelinangan air mate xde yang nampak...dunia tak kejam tapi yang hidup dalam dunia nie...lebih2 lagi yang dikuniakan akal...boleh figure it out kan. Tak mengata tapi mmg ya... tali gantung ke kalau org tu mati kerana elak dari terjebak kemalangan???? sedangkan tak berlanggar, dah ajal kan??? so terima je la btol tak??


         abit good news r..asyik menjunam to bad news, bad luck here and there.. I'm seeing someone...haaa officially declared nih..She yang mane name xnak aku mention... sbb approval blom ade dr tuan punya diri... telah berjaya membuka pintu hati aku yg kututup. Dah janji tutup, tup2 dia yang appear .. macam permintaan aku diberi..mane tak terima...cuma tak kan la perigi cari timba plak kan??? (tapi ape salahnye dah). We are friends.. getting closer I hope.. and harap2 ar "that thing".. tgh usaha nih.. tak nak memaksa..

back to the title... serabut

a bit from the good news, serabut gak aku ttg relationship nih... dan aku rase disini adalah permulaan di mane aku dikatakan dah laen... yg dulu to dah no more..? HUH?? yeke.. ? Ok aku boleh accept setelah few weeks di kate begitu and minta diterangkan dengan lebih lanjut...serabut nih aku tak kisah, perasaan dimana...aku rase yang serabut kerana sesuatu yang aku suka... member kate kemaruk bercinta le nih.. She is great, GARANG tapi MANJA within.. i like it..      Op op, blom masuk part serabut  tu lagi...masih serabut goodnews nie, mesti dah terlintas kat otak kan pasal perempuan ni pun nak berserabut...??? serabut cinta ni laen...  ok serabut yg am I going to settle down with her...?? My family are not like othe family or famili ko dimane dah suke, bawak balik, kenal2kan each other n suke... meet arrange kawen.. tup2 next year dpt cucu.. Sound simple tapi aku dlm aku buat2 kerja aku dah terpikir nie sumer, tak kurangnya juga pada dia..(tu yang buat aku suka, sayang tu.. ) Tapi masalahnye kat dia tak la ssh sgt, bisa diatur. Aku nie... x sewealthy mcm dia... famili pun agak mcm tu r... (fikir yg terbaik je la). Syukur dia terima seadanyanye cuma blom ade declaration ape2 ea.. so takde pakse2 we hv to respect each other  rights..manje2 tu ade r..Serabut nak britau kat famili and nak settle down...(maybe blom tiba masuk umtuk aku pk... ALLAH temukan je dulu jodoh aku lagi pun dah minta sgt2, kawen tak payah terburu2...follow je)  Aku berharap ade mase terluang n famili dapat terima kritikan yang nak membatalkan aku nak bina masjid ea..


Bila tiga2 serabut datang serentak.. tu yang the main serabut datang.. HANG jap otak memikirkan jalan keluar or masuk or nak gerak balik.. Kalau ade skrin dah blank kot... Mujur manusia dicipta dengan sifat tindak balas..
Aku dapat siapkan blog aku nie sebab serabut tu datang dan aku salurkan ke atas lappy nie masuk blog...lepas2 nie boleh bace and perbaiki diri. Aku rase masih ade tertinggal dalam otak, tak mengapa. Nanti ingat aku taip lagi. Sekarang nie serabut ni bermain dgn perasaan pula... bila dia mula berjauhan, aku mula tak keruan chewah =;= Tapi mmg ye.. mmg ar dah cinta2 nih sms payah nak lepas.. bill melambung tinggi lebih dr tinggi yang biase..cuma kat dia ni, benda tu suma berlaku tapi ade lain yang dapat aku rasekan... satu ketenangan.. tak perlu aku fikirkan ttg laen bila ade dia nie...Syukur kepada ALLAH menemukan aku dengan dia.


Horoscope aku tahun nih,,

Aku terase badi bad luck tu  mcm mengekoriku sehinggakan hari ni, Masuk hari ini, hari ketiga makin teruk. Ujian apekah ini YA ALLAH...? Berikan petunjukmu...Permudahkan dugaan, ujian, cabaran MU kepadaku. Sesungguhnya aku bersyukur aku terselamat dan tidak berlaku ape2 lebih lebih pada insiden tadi. Alhamdulillah.. bak kate org tua, selisih malaikat 44..
Aku tergerak hati nak  surf horoscope aku, setelah sekian lame aku tinggalkan habit ini...membaca horoscope, so aku sertakan...
                                            2012 Cancer Horoscope


Major changes in your relationships are in store for the year 2012. Some of your near ones are likely to drift apart leaving you in shatters. But avoid depending on others and rise and shine. Peace and calm shall prevail then in your life. Towards the middle of the year you may need to take an important decision in life related to personal and professional life of yours. If single you might meet the ideal partner. But beware of foxes in sheep’s clothing. New ideas of all sorts take shape this year. Keep your cool, and enter into actions to meet your plans. Success in legal processes are predicted for this year.


Much effort and commitment would be needed this year for good results in your professional front. Unavoidable difficulties shall come from nowhere leaving you in tenterhooks. Confidence in yourself shall help you to ward off any negative effects in the career side. You would pursue your long fought ambitions with renewed vigor and strength. Reveal your inherent talents to the workforce. The first half of the year would be very much exhausting while the latter half shall see you off sailing smoothly.


Finances shall take a good shape for you this year. Maintain your financial balance in a sensible way. An increase of income flow is assured but make sure you do not put all your eggs in one basket. Instead, diversify your portfolio. You can go in for some artistic pursuits for augmenting your finances for this year. It would give you the much needed mental and financial satisfaction in life. The second half of the year shall see a fall in your debt levels which would be a great moral booster for you.


Much peace and tranquility shall prevail in your love front for the year of 2012. Stability in relationships is also guaranteed. Your ideals in relationships shall be met during this period. Be free to open up your heart to your loved one, be frank and try to understand the feelings of your partner. This is the apt time to clear any clouds of doubts in your relationship. Generally an average year as far as love and relationships are concerned for Cancers.


You are assured great energy levels for the year ahead. There would be a stability in your moods which had been deviating last year quite a bit. This would give you mental and physical health on a positive note. Take a resolution to cut down in bad habits that had been haunting you for the last few years. Concentrate on your works and take good care of your health.

Khamis, 19 April 2012

Accident again... suey..

Today my first summon from Traffic Sargeant. Do to the incident where I accident this morning in AU3 5/56 Wangsamaju, Keramat. I was the driver and the vehicle was TM's Vannete BHJ 2033. Due to slippery, the van skidded to the left while climb the road and smash a viva.... Mak aih.. takde lah smash hancur, just rear. Damaged on the VIVA was on left side of the car. The side mirror was exploded to pieces, body at the front wheel flatted and some scratches, due to the impact. The colour of the car was on my van...
Come back to the summon, After settled discussed, went to Balai Polis Jalan Bandar... which situated at kompleks selangor.. give some details receive "summon" and took photos. From there stright to TMF at Batu 10 Cheras, change car... fill forms why and where... The van received as replacement was good but on the way  to keramat breakdown, automatically turn off every time slow. Again rushed to the fleet for another replacement. Now, it is replaced by Nissan ranger.... by the way the VIVA, WSL 8137

Khamis, 12 April 2012

                        Assalamualaikum... wah its 12:34AM... 12/4/12... nice number nih. Sok ley tikam haha, agak2 dapat ker? Erm.. seems I will expressing my thoughts often here due to my vow, offline facebook for a month. Tomorrow will be genap a week for not login to my account through computer tapi akesh still keep in touch with fb users...cara ape lagi, fb mobile la.. Tangan akesh tetiba gatal nak cari name seseorang nie kat google (thats google for isn it??), suprised the result narrowed to the person I'm looking for. Cam taw2 je... Search friends dalam yahoo messenger or dalam facebook especially, tak pernah dapat exact person, nak kena godek2 here n there baru dapat..
                    Sesudah akesh komen blog tersebut, akesh came across to a page where input your name and it generate a result dimane ia adalah meaning of the word. Hurm... eventhough interesting, xley nak 100% terima sebab ntah btul or tidak. Name2 yg mmg dah ade makne dr dulu zaman nabi lagi tu tak usah nak cakap r, mmg boleh terima. Ini name org2 zaman skrg... pelik2 adelah... tak terfikir kot dek para bijaksana zaman dulu...